From Web 1.0 to Web 3.0: My Journey into NFTs and the Exciting World of Digital Art

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From Web 1.0 to Web 3.0: My Journey into NFTs and the Exciting World of Digital Art

The development of Web3, as we know it, emerged in 1991 when the blockchain was first created by two prominent scientists, W. Scott Stornetta and Stuart Haber. Their contributions laid the foundation for the blockchain technology we recognize today. However, it’s important to note that the concept of a blockchain-like structure was further introduced by Satoshi Nakamoto in the Bitcoin whitepaper published in 2008, which propelled the widespread adoption of blockchain technology.



Web 1.0, the initial network technology that emerged with the advent of the internet, presented a static display where information flowed in a one-way manner. Users could only consume the content without interacting. The subsequent evolution to Web 2.0 brought about interactive features, enabling users to engage, contribute additional information, and even create their own content on websites. Web 2.0 also witnessed the rise of social media platforms, online communities, and user-generated content platforms, fostering a collaborative and participatory digital landscape.

In the realm of Web 3.0, digital asset ownership takes center stage. The implementation of blockchain technology allows for the registration of transactions on nodes, ensuring traceability and security. Additionally, Web 3.0 emphasizes decentralization, empowering the community to participate in decision-making through the concept of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs).

One significant outcome of Web 3.0 and blockchain technology is the emergence of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). NFTs serve as unique tokens that cannot be exchanged for any other token, providing certificates of ownership for digital assets. These tokens often offer utilities, granting access to memberships or other benefits within their respective ecosystems. The authentication and verification value provided by NFTs have given digital art newfound value and marketability.


Source Wikipedia , Bored Apes Yacht Club by Yuga Labs LLC

NFT transactions within Web 3.0 are conducted using blockchain technology, and the evaluation and transaction values are based on cryptocurrencies. The liquidity circulating in the crypto market significantly influences the excitement and popularity of NFTs. The bullish period experienced in the crypto market at the end of 2021 further propelled various NFT projects and digital artworks.

Prominent NFT projects include Cryptokitties, CryptoPunks, Bored Apes, Moonbirds, Azuki, MonkeeDao, and many others. Alongside profile picture (PFP) projects, unique 1/1 artworks have garnered attention. Notably, digital artist Beeple achieved a groundbreaking milestone when his work titled “Everydays: The First 5000 Days” sold for $69 million at Christie’s auction house, marking the first successful auction of an NFT artwork.

image source : Wikipedia, Cryptopunks Y

It’s essential to acknowledge that the crypto market experiences dynamic fluctuations, influenced by various factors and market movements, leading to both bullish and bearish periods. Nevertheless, the advancement of Web 3.0 technology continues to progress, bringing forth new innovations such as DeFi (Decentralized Finance). The digital art scene has also witnessed remarkable growth, with artists exploring diverse styles, including pixel art, generative coding art, AI-generated art, and an expanding array of works available in the NFT market.

Beeple, Everydays – The First 5000 Days. Courtesy of the artist and Christie’s.


Personally, I embarked on my journey into Web 3.0 and began marketing my digital artworks as NFTs in October 2021. My first creation, titled “Evolution found its own path,” was minted on the Tezos blockchain (XTZ) and listed on platforms like “HEN.XTZ” and To this day, I continue to produce and market NFT artworks across various platforms, including the Foundation app, SuperRare, Exchangeart (Solana), and OBJKT. This experience has exposed me to new technologies and allowed me to witness young creators embracing the spirit of the era by producing innovative works that incorporate cutting-edge technologies rarely seen in traditional art.

System Traps, Hans Kristo Artwork 2022

The interplay between the market dynamics, the fusion of art and technology, undoubtedly carries both utopian and dystopian effects. However, one thing remains certain: technological evolution will continue to forge its path, and as human beings, our task is to adapt, persevere, and continually advance for the betterment of civilization.

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