singapore contemporary artist and a big commitment to become a leader and center of the Southeast Asian and Asian fine arts market

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singapore contemporary artist and a big commitment to become a leader and center of the Southeast Asian and Asian fine arts market -Singapore is a country located in Southeast Asia, precisely situated to the south of the Malay Peninsula. In the early 14th century, the majority of Singapore’s population worked as farmers and traders. This was due to Singapore having a strategically located small port.

Until the 19th century, a British officer named Raffles set foot in Singapore for the first time. He established a trading post in Singapore in 1819. Subsequently, Singapore became a British colony in 1826 and became part of the Straits Settlements colony in the same year, where the governments of Singapore and Malacca were ruled by a Resident.

However, during the years 1942-1945, the era of World War II, Singapore was occupied by Japan. After World War II, Singapore once again fell under British colonial rule and gained self-governance as a British Commonwealth country. It later became part of the Federation of Malaysia in 1963.

On August 9, 1965, Singapore proclaimed independence from Malaysia. The separation was due to racial tensions. Subsequently, Singapore formed its own nation by developing its human resources infrastructure and became a financial and economic center in Southeast Asia. Consistent with the motto ‘The Singapore Model,’ this encompassed clean governance, quality education, pro-business policies, and innovation.

singapore contemporary artist and a big commitment to become a leader and center of the Southeast Asian and Asian fine arts marketThe resurgence and awareness of the values of art and culture.

Aware of the ethnic and cultural diversity within its society, Singapore then began to turn its attention to art and tourism as a focal point for its national revenue, attracting tourists to the country. Since 1965, when Singapore’s economic resurgence has been on a constant rise since its independence, the Singaporean government has consistently explored the potential of art and culture with the aim of developing the nation’s distinct identity and character.

Singapore art museum
Singapore art museum

As the economy of the community grew, awareness, interest, and appreciation for art also flourished. Then, in 1989, the Singapore government established a museum called SAM (Singapore Art Museum) with the aim of promoting contemporary art and artists, especially those from Southeast Asia. Some works of maestro artists from Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Vietnam can be found in the collection of the Singapore Art Museum. This marked the significant leap forward for the Singaporean art movement.

The Grand Vision of Singapore towards Arts and Culture.

In the year 2000, Singapore established Vision 2021, which is a long-term plan for the country. One of the key components of Vision 2021 is positioning Singapore as a hub for Asian culture and arts. The government, in particular, actively supports this vision by allocating funds and developing infrastructure to stimulate local community interest, nurture artistic entrepreneurs, establish galleries, and attract the attention of international artists.

The economic growth and the growth of the local community mentioned above not only strengthen the fundamentals of the local market but also attract international attention.

At the beginning of the 21st century, Singapore initiated its annual event known as the ‘Singapore Art Week,’ aiming to promote the local community, as well as international artists and galleries.


Singapore began to reap the rewards. With the growing economy of Singapore, wealthy local art collectors also emerged, accompanied by the interest of collectors from Asia and around the world who started to view Singapore as a credible center for the Southeast Asian art market.

Gillman Barracks Singapore art contemporary
Gillman Barracks Singapore art contemporary

In 2011, the Singapore government made another significant move by inaugurating a hub and complex that serves as a central connecting point for galleries and contemporary art stakeholders in Singapore. This place is named ‘Gillman Barracks.’ It has become an attraction for art enthusiasts worldwide.

The growth of the art market has attracted tourists, especially art enthusiasts, collectors, and art practitioners from around the world. Singapore remains consistent with its grand vision by organizing and engaging with artists from Southeast Asia and beyond. – singapore contemporary artist and a big commitment to become a leader and center of the Southeast Asian and Asian fine arts market.