Metanoia of Modern Art: Ideological and formalist explorations

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Diego Rivera

Tracing the Impactful Transformations in Modern Art: Humanitarian Messages, Formalism, and Abstract Patterns

modern art - Diego RiveraIN THE ARSENAL ( 1928 ) – DIEGO RIVERA

Modern Art ‘s evolution over several decades has been marked by continuous changes and pivotal moments, one of which emerged during the era of the Cold War. During this significant period, numerous artworks conveyed powerful humanitarian messages, ideologies, and struggles. Visionary artists like Diego Rivera, a Mexican artist, used their talents to convey anti-establishment and social messages with a touch of communism. Meanwhile, Frida Kahlo explored the realms of subjectivity and feminist issues, leaving an indelible mark on the art world. Their works were profoundly shaped by the context of their lives and the prevailing circumstances, illustrating the profound impact of historical events on artistic expression.

Another epoch in the world of art saw the rise of modernists, bringing forth universalist ideas and grand concepts. Art during this juncture underwent a shift towards formalism, with its purpose transcending mere criticism or response to the surroundings. Instead, art became a medium for exploring the intrinsic elements of lines, shapes, colors, and composition. This transformative period also witnessed the emergence of numerous paintings with abstract patterns, liberating artists from traditional representational constraints.

Reflecting on my own artistic style, I find myself drawn to diverse approaches in my works. Some pieces are a response to the world around me, incorporating symbols and surrealistic forms, evident in my intriguing “Homo Ludens” collection. On the other hand, I also find delight in creating art with a formalistic focus, emphasizing aesthetics, forms, colors, and composition. In my captivating “Exquisite Aberrations” collection, which embraces Abstract Expressionism, I strive to present distorted, unusual, and marginal forms, revealing hidden beauty that is both paradoxical and contradictory. This formalist approach allows the visual perception presented on the screen to take precedence over any hidden messages, as I seek to evoke emotions and spark contemplation through the power of visual art.



Therefore, in my pursuit of artistic expression, I have chosen not to provide individual titles for each artwork. Instead, I assign them numbers as a form of identification. Through modern art, I find myself embracing the beauty and complexity of the human experience, transcending boundaries, and inviting exploration into the realms of art and its profound impact on our lives.